Chrysalis 2013: Transformation and Growth
The first juried Deaf art show in Manitoba took place at Gallery Lacosse, 169 Lilac St., Winnipeg, MB, on October 25, 2013.
The idea of an art show for Manitoba Deaf Visual artists was developed.
Terry Lacosse of Gallery Lacosse agreed to host a Deaf Artists Art show on October 25, 2013. His criteria for the show:
- No political and/or social statements
- All framing to be done by Lacosse, with the artist paying a discount
- Lacosse pays for advertising, food and drinks at the opening
- Lacosse gets a commission on any art sold
- Artists can choose whether or not to sell their work
Artists Heather Bishop and Debora Cardaci served as as jurors for the art show.
An anonymous supporter of the Deaf donated funds to defray costs of framing, interpretation, and the jurors' honoraria.
Numerous emails were sent back and forth in order to guide the artists on the process of submitting their artwork. The project director took photos of the artwork for the entries.
Summer 2013
Six artists submitted artwork. A second call for submissions went out to the Deaf community, and six more artists were found.
Eleven artists from Manitoba and one from Calgary presented artworks at the exhibition. The jury made their selections of the best work from the submissions; Terry Lacosse approved their choices.
Coleen Turner, the artist from Calgary, wanted to attend the show. The Calgary Deaf Hard of Hearing services and MCSD joined forces to help Coleen apply for a Canada Council for the Arts (CCA) travel grant.
Two ASL interpreters were booked for opening night, and contracts were finalized for Christine Mitchell’s and Joanna Hawkins' performances. Advertising for the art show was posted on social media.
The artists selected their framing options from Terry Lacosse. The framing costs ranged from $111.87 to $474.60. These costs exceeded the original donation, and MCSD approached the anonymous donor to request more funding. The donor agreed to the request. MCSD also worked with the artists to price their artwork.
Terry Lacosse informed MCSD that he was adding another artist to the show: his Deaf son from California, Josh Lacosse.
October 2013
Advertising continued on social media and via email, to remind the public about the opening night.
The CCA travel grant for Coleen Turner did not materialize. To ensure Coleen could attend, the project director gave up her portion of the funding to cover travel costs.
Opening night was a huge success. Approximately 125-150 people attended the opening, and the crowd was a mix of hearing and Deaf patrons. Twenty-four pieces of art were displayed.
Participating Artists
- Campion Bourque
- Coleen Turner (from Calgary)
- Jocelynn Johnson
- Judyta Szacilowski
- Vanecia Austria
- Michael Austria
- Dana Zimmer
Pencil drawing artists:
- Jessica Szacilowski
- Denise Watson-Jarigen
- Joshua Lacosse (from California)
Print/Collage artist:
- Alice Crawford
Ceramic artist:
- Brenda Roznowski
Bead artist:
- Jocelyn Schroeder
- Christine Mitchell
- Joanna Hawkins