Gathered Series: Community Enrichment Through Deaf Arts

MCSD-DAM plans to have this program on an ongoing basis to enrich the lives of the Deaf and non-deaf communities through Deaf arts. There will be different arts genres being introduced to audiences to learn the great possibliities there are in Deaf arts. This will involve performing and visual arts.

The premise of the Gathered Series: Artistic enrichment happens by using the language of ASL to communicate new ideas and sharing processes of each arts genre so they are able to connect with this rich culture. It is rare for the Deaf to engage in an art event that shows their communication as an art form. Often, there are limited choices of entertainment in our culture. We show Deaf arts is just as good as any non-deaf event.

The language barrier isolates the Deaf Community, learning opportunities and access to general arts events are rare. Options for learning arts are partly based on what the non-deaf community offers.

Past experiences show Deaf Culture isn’t always understood and misunderstandings can occur. Info can be changed or lost in translation.

Deaf arts use the language of ASL with movements and hands to express their experiences. Only Deaf artists can teach this form of art. Winnipeg has very few Deaf artists who can teach different genres for Deaf arts.

Deaf students are more relaxed when the artist is Deaf like them and knows Deaf culture. Inviting a Deaf artist skilled in their arts genre to Winnipeg allows seamless integration of knowledge, giving deeper meaningful learning.

Young Deaf people will be inspired to become performers by seeing and interacting with a professional Deaf performer plying their trade on stage. We are working to build a larger viable community of Deaf performers by providing this opportunity to see and learn

Gathered Series One: This was combined with the 2024 Magic of ASL: Live! Performances and workshops by Landon Krentz from Calgary, Alberta.

Learn about 2024 Magic of ASL: Live!

Barriers in communication were removed by having a Deaf professional performer demonstrate in ASL, without any translations needed, how to perform and express ideas and teach the different ways to do Visual Vernacular performances. There was no misinterpretations during these events. For the Deaf participants it was very empowering to have a Deaf role model to teach them in their language of ASL.

The workshops produced a wealth of information about performing in Visual Vernacular. There was a thirst for learning this form of theatre and there is a strong interest in having more Visual Vernacular workshops in the future. We will continue to apply for more of these Gathered Series events to continue to grow Deaf Theatre in Winnipeg.

2024 Visual Vernacular Workshop by Landon Krentz

Gathered Series Three: Puppeteers and ASL signing Puppets: three Deaf puppeteers from Ontario, Robert Bhola, Juan Jaramillo and Theresa Upton at Manitoba Deaf Expo (MDE).

The 50-minute panel-demo and 4 workshops happened in front of a mixed Deaf and non-deaf of an audience of over 200 people during the two-days. The workshop participants enjoyed working with the puppets and many said it brought happy memories of childhood.

There is an interest to bring back the ASL puppeteers to Winnipeg to do an intense series of workshops and have the workshop participants do a number of shows to Winnipeg audiences. This is something MCSD-DAM is planning for the future.

Learn about the three puppeteers

Learn about puppeteering panel-demo and workshops at MDE

Gathered Series Two: Deaf Actor Elizabeth Morris from Kingston, Ontario

is performing May 15, 2025. and facilitating two workshos at the

Manitoba School for the Deaf. Stay tuned for more information.