Latest Event

The Magic of ASL

A bi-annual two-hour theatre performance showcasing emerging and professional Deaf theatre artists. Watch the 2021 Magic of ASL+LSQ:The Covid-19 Edition on YouTube!

Ongoing Project

New Horizons: Digital Opportunities for Deaf Artists

A new opportunity for eight DHH artists to present their work digitally to a global audience.

Our vision is to integrate Deaf and non-deaf communities with complete accessibility and to empower Deaf culture, arts, and language.

Learn More

Become a Member

As a member of MCSD you will be supporting the organization to promote Deaf culture and Deaf artists, supporting the advocacy efforts of MCSD to ensure equal access to Arts funding and skills development, and more!


Make A Donation

Support the Manitoba Cultural Society of the Deaf with a financial donation! Your financial support ensures we can continue our vision of promoting Deaf Manitobans' experiences, through language, culture, and the arts.


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